Thursday, March 21, 2013

Routing Software

If you want to know the 'optimal' route from where you are to where you want to sail, the answer is simple ... use routing software.

Does routing software actually give you the 'optimal' route?
Well, that depends....

If you are talking about an on-line sailing venue, where the winds are guaranteed to be as forecast and the boats always perform exactly to their polars, well, then, yes ... routing software can potentially calculate an optima route.

BUT ...

As soon as you introduce 'future' winds, uncertain positions, or different update granularities, the guarantee of an 'optimal' route is gone.

You can still get close, but now there is uncertainty.

The routing chart on the right was produced by Expedition routing software for 'javakeda' -- my SuperMaxi100 -- in the race around Cape Horn from New York City to San Francisco.  The race is produced by -- which has a very realistic 'virtual' venue.  The routing chart covers about 5-days in a race that will take a couple of months [for me, at least].

This 'optimal' route has four kinks in it -- each [subtly] highlighted by a red arrow.  I'd like to know what is going on with the weather at each 'kink'.

But before going there, I want to describe the process that produces the routing chart.
And I will do so in the next blog entry.

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